Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is the metal rubbing sound coming from near the chain and front sproket?

The bike is a 2002 yamaha zyf r1 now before we changed the transmission the chain was clacking and i was using chain lube to quiet it. the trans is fine and shifts well. the engine has great power. and there is no clacking of chain, JUST THE METAL RUBBING SOUND.
What is the metal rubbing sound coming from near the chain and front sproket?
Check your chain tension or possible chain %26amp; sprocket damage.
What is the metal rubbing sound coming from near the chain and front sproket?
check the chain cover,if ever there's scratch in it.check also the bolt or lock that hold the front sprocket,might be too long bolt or broken ;ock and the sprocket is touching the casing...if everything is okey,,I'm afraid it's the clutch housing inside...or worst..\\,yhe bearings in transmission

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