Friday, March 12, 2010

What is the best starter motorcycle for under 5k?

Can you give me brand,bike name, and price?
What is the best starter motorcycle for under 5k?
Suzuki Boulevard S40 ~ $4399

Kawasaki Ninja 250 ~$3499 (US)
What is the best starter motorcycle for under 5k?
Honda cbr 125rr, kawasaki ninja 250r
Reply:A used 1996 BMW R850 R for around $3,200.

Good luck!
Reply:Honda VLX 600 V Twin. Less than $3500 used, couple years old, clean.
Reply:KYMCO VENOX 3999 or HYOSUNG GV250 3500 both are good rides and reliable transportating. THe Hyo comes in 3 styles
Reply:Honda Shadow VLX 600 - You can find one 4 or 5 years old for around $3000 - 3500.
Reply:250 ninja
Reply:A 1995 honda cr250. 2 stroke, dirt bike. cant beat it. Oh, and I just happen to have one for sale.

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