Friday, November 6, 2009

How many miles can you get out of a 650 single before the engine needs and overhaul?

...assuming it's properly maintained.

I'm talking about a DR or a KLR 650. I've heard 20 up to 100K. Anyone out there ever burned one out? If so how many miles did you get out of it. What was your next move? New engine? Rebuild? Or new bike?

I just bought a new DR 650 and am using it as my main commuter. The miles are racking up fast. I'm trying to get a feel for how long it will live.
How many miles can you get out of a 650 single before the engine needs and overhaul?
you know this is an impossible question to answer, do you?

it depends ...

on your riding style

your maintenance style

maybe even the oil you use

the specific bike - some seem more in tune than others

where you ride - stop'n'go at 100 degrees vs. overland at more moderate temperatures

it will "live" until it "dies" - so simple
How many miles can you get out of a 650 single before the engine needs and overhaul?
It depends on how and where it's ridden, and sometimes when. It also depends on what oils are used, and how often they're changed. A good warm up, frequent oil changes and modest riding, you could expect around 100K or more, but cam chains don't last long on singles, and 50K for a top end is often enough to need a chain and tensioners. Harsher than theat, and you'll get much less. NB the oil feed to the top end is critical, and non-return valves are often unreliable, so from startup, make sure the oil has arrived there from the oil pump before moving off.

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